How Much Does a Motorcycle Shipment Cost?
Shipping costs vary depending on the distance and number of units transported. The longer the distance, the more the cost; the same goes for the number of units you want to transport. If you are looking to transport a single unit over a short distance, you can expect to pay $900. However, if you want to ship your motorcycle overseas, you may be looking at over $1,000. Different companies will offer different fee structures, so shop around. However, beware of companies that offer low prices and make late deliveries. Instead, work with a company that offers a fair price but maintains the quality of services, including a guaranteed pick-up date. It’s also crucial to take a closer look at your contract before putting pen to paper, as it’s common for shipping companies to add fees like toll charges and port fees.
What Factors Impact Quotes?
• Distance
If you are looking to transport your motorcycle over a short distance, the price quoted will be easy on the pockets. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for transporting the same motorcycle overseas to another continent. Shipping a motorcycle over 1,000 miles will attract nearly double or triple what you would pay for local same-state shipping.
• Number of units
If you are looking to ship a few motorcycles, you will pay more than someone transporting just one motorcycle, but usually, less per unit—shipping three motorcycles to one location won’t cost three times the price of just one. Additionally, if you are transporting many motorcycles, you can negotiate more favorable payment terms with the shipping company. Finally, if shipping commercially, you may also get discounts in taxes, so keep an out for any price reductions available.
• Shipping and delivery dates
Under normal circumstances, getting your motorcycle delivered can take anywhere between one and two weeks. This depends on the type of shipping company you are working with. Booking ahead will not shorten the time it will take to get your motorcycle delivered because most shipping companies operate on a set schedule. However, if you book your shipping ahead of time, you are more likely to receive some early bird discounts. Last-minute bookings are the most expensive because they are done on short notice.
• Pick up and drop off locations
Pick-up and drop-off locations add to the total distance the motorcycle is delivered so they can add to your final price quotation. Drop-off locations far away from the general delivery locations will probably incur an extra fee. Pick-up locations will also incur an additional fee if you are unwilling to deliver the motorcycle to the general pick-up location.
• The size and weight of the motorcycle
Most motorcycle shipping companies will ask about the make and model of your motorcycle. The reason they ask is because they can tell the size and weight of the motorcycle from this information. They may also ask if you have made any modifications to the motorcycle that affect its size and weight. The heavier the motorcycle, the more you will pay for it. Some companies have a fixed price quotation for motorcycles up to a certain weight, after which each extra weight attracts a fee. Before signing any contract with a shipping company, ensure you know your motorcycle’s weight and dimensions to avoid any future inconveniences.
• An open or sealed container
Most of the time, shipping in an open or closed container makes very little difference. However, transporting your motorcycle in a sealed container is recommended because it is protected from the elements which might affect delicate detailing or leather finishing. It also protects more effectively from strong external forces caused by weather or poor roads. Due to these added advantages, a sealed container will attract higher fees than an open one.
• Insurance Cover
Cutting corners when shipping is not the best idea. You may find yourself tempted to accept inadequate insurance in exchange for lower prices, but that will come back to bite you. It is best not to take any chances and take as many insurance covers as necessary. You may end up paying more, but you can rest assured that your shipment is covered in case of any damages or accidents during transit.
• Miscellaneous costs
Inexperienced companies will often be unaware of these costs and will not factor them into the original quotation. Miscellaneous costs include fluctuating fuel prices, express shipping, or storage costs. Some companies may add to the shipping fee if you fail to pick up your motorcycle on time, citing a failed delivery. Additional space for cars and accessories will cost you extra, especially if you want them shipped together.
If you don’t accurately describe your motorcycle, you will be penalized. For example, if your bike is oversized, takes up more than one space, or will not roll onto the shipment platform, you will incur an extra fee.